
Please use python 3.6 and let’s avoid unnecessary issues.
Linux and Windows Installations are automatically tested. Mac OS users might have an issue with Bcolz. For now, refer to the original zipline docs if you do. Fixing this issue is in the backlog.
If you use Python for anything other than Zipline, I strongly recommend that you install in a `virtualenv


The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python provides an excellent tutorial on virtualenv.

For now I support only installation through github. You could do that in one of these ways:

Installing with git clone

The last step will install this project from source, giving you the ability to debug zipline-trader’s code.

Installing using pip directly from github

You can install it with ability to debug it like this:

pip install -e git://

To install a specific version, you could do this (installing version 1.5.0):

pip install -e git://

Installing from pypi (coming soon)

The most known way of installing would be installing from pypi:

pip install zipline-trader
  • Installing using Anaconda (Probably supported in the future)


Installing zipline is a bit complicated, and therefore installing zipline-trader. There are two reasons for zipline installation additional complexity:

  1. Zipline ships several C extensions that require access to the CPython C API. In order to build the C extensions, pip needs access to the CPython header files for your Python installation.

  2. Zipline depends on numpy, the core library for numerical array computing in Python. Numpy depends on having the LAPACK linear algebra routines available.

Because LAPACK and the CPython headers are non-Python dependencies, the correct way to install them varies from platform to platform. Once you’ve installed the necessary additional dependencies (see below for your particular platform)


On Debian-derived Linux distributions, you can acquire all the necessary binary dependencies from apt by running:

$ sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev python-dev gfortran pkg-config libfreetype6-dev hdf5-tools

On recent RHEL-derived derived Linux distributions (e.g. Fedora), the following should be sufficient to acquire the necessary additional dependencies:

$ sudo dnf install atlas-devel gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran libgfortran python-devel redhat-rpm-config hdf5

On Arch Linux, you can acquire the additional dependencies via pacman:

$ pacman -S lapack gcc gcc-fortran pkg-config hdf5

There are also AUR packages available for installing ta-lib, an optional Zipline dependency.


The version of Python shipped with OSX by default is generally out of date, and has a number of quirks because it’s used directly by the operating system. For these reasons, many developers choose to install and use a separate Python installation. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python provides an excellent guide to Installing Python on OSX, which explains how to install Python with the Homebrew manager.

Assuming you’ve installed Python with Homebrew, you’ll also likely need the following brew packages:

$ brew install freetype pkg-config gcc openssl hdf5